The Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC), in cooperation with Caltrans and local project partners, is proposing major interchange improvements throughout the county.
The purpose of these projects is to improve traffic operations and safety at the respective interchanges by improving accessibility, enhancing mobility, and providing modernized bicycle and pedestrian connections. Circlepoint is supporting Alameda CTC and project partners with environmental review and documentation services as well as strategic communications and stakeholder engagement for all three interchange improvement projects.
For the I-80/Ashby Avenue (SR-13) project, Circlepoint is providing a streamlined environmental process to help Alameda CTC achieve its goal of obtaining an approved project report and environmental document that is certifiable by Caltrans and endorsed by the cities of Berkeley and Emeryville, as well as the community. We are implementing two basic phases: 1) alternative refinement and stakeholder engagement and 2) public outreach and environmental clearance. The environmental clearance document will be a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for CEQA and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for NEPA. In concert with the environmental documentation process, we developed and are currently implementing comprehensive public outreach activities.
For the I-880 projects (Winton Avenue/A Street and Whipple Road/Industrial Parkway) Circlepoint is leading the preliminary environmental review of the initial project designs (PEAR) and will manage the CEQA and NEPA environmental review processes, including the preparation of project purpose and need, risk assessment, and completion of environmental documentation requirements (IS/EA). Additionally, we developed and are now implementing a comprehensive communications and stakeholder engagement plan for each project. Through these plans, we’ve identified key target audiences, communications forums, and tools and strategies that can be leveraged to engage a broad cross-section of the stakeholders and communities in and around the project areas.