The Escondido Village Graduate Residences (EVGR) project consists of four high-rise buildings that will provide 2,423 new beds to Stanford University (Stanford) graduate students. Construction started in the spring of 2017 and concluded in summer 2020, with student occupancy in fall 2020.
As construction occurred in a residential area, it was very important to keep the community informed about the sequence and schedule of necessary activities. Circlepoint provided timely communication of construction activities and public outreach to mitigate the impacts that excavation, machinery use, truck traffic, noise and dust could have on residents living adjacent to the project site, as well as nearby facilities and travelers.
Our approach provided streamlined resources for Stanford residents, faculty, students and staff, local schools, nearby residents and others to obtain project information, ask questions, and raise concerns. Our project website was constantly updated with the latest information about upcoming construction activities and potential impacts through notices, fact sheets and FAQs. Our information line and email allowed the project team to respond to inquiries and provide details about construction related matters in an efficient and timely manner. EVGR photos and videos are available in our gallery and YouTube channel.