San José is pursuing a variety of strategies to achieve its mode shift goals and reduce its rate of vehicle miles traveled (VMT). By 2040, the city intends to halve the percentage of drive alone commute trips to no more than 40% and increase the percentage of trips made by bike, walking, transit or carpool from 18% to 60%. This will greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the county and relieve traffic congestion.
Circlepoint was hired to implement a community-based social marketing program in the city focused on changing travel behavior to meet these targets. This program included robust research, branding and logo development, creation of marketing materials, and multiple channels for reaching out and engaging audiences in target neighborhoods to effect mode shift.
Our work included determining the location, scope, and tactics to be used in each of the three annual campaigns through the use of secondary and primary research; engaging local businesses and community organizations as partners in the campaigns; compiling, coordinating and tracking the delivery of individualized travel kits and information to all households in the target areas; conducting formative research to refine campaign messaging and strategy; and presenting evaluations of each of the three campaigns with recommendations for improvement in subsequent cycles.
Circlepoint developed materials for outreach kitssuch as tip sheets, maps, and a calendar of events, and distributed the kits through door-to-door outreach, tabling events, and community events that encouraged walking, biking, and taking transit.