Circlepoint’s environmental practice is molded on an integrated approach to public and private planning projects—environmental evaluation, design, and community outreach. We work closely with planning and design teams to identify environmental constraints early on, focus environmental documents on the important issues, and effectively involve stakeholders to build the support essential to bringing projects to fruition. Our passion is to work with our clients to set them up for success by ensuring that we are providing a document that captures the correct components that will pave the way for success during and after the entitlement process.
Our success is based on top-notch client service and the production of high-quality legally defensible documents. We offer strong project management and a team of technical experts that provides the necessary skills to coordinate the resources and present the important key topics for the project and environmental document. We understand the new and upcoming issues faced by the environmental process, in combination with the objectives and vision of local municipalities, agencies, and the state as a whole. As such, we are well versed on current CEQA and NEPA issues, such as Senate Bill 743, and are in line with the future vision of smart growth, urban villages, connectivity, and reduction of vehicle miles traveled. We navigate complex processes to deliver streamlined, legally defensible environmental documents.