Virtual Meeting Tips & Best Practices

Conducting virtual meetings can feel different than traditional in person meetings, but the approach should be similar with a few modifications.  Now more than ever it is important to stay connected and maintain human interaction through virtual means to keep everyone safe and minimize interruptions to daily business activities.  In this virtual world, we can effectively and seamlessly communicate with each other through a multitude of online platforms designed for video and/or audio conferencing and that allow for audience participation.  Whether a small, internal meeting or a large presentation with hundreds of participants, Circlepoint has developed a Best Practices Guide for Virtual Meetings.

Virtual Meeting Tips & Best Practices

Virtual Meeting Best Practices



Share agenda and attachments

Include in meeting invite:

  • Call-in/login instructions
  • Link to test system in advance of meeting (if applicable)
  • Agenda + attachments

Understand how to use your meeting platform & be prepared to explain to participants

Determine structure – live note-taking on-screen vs. in the background, order of presenters

Define roles (some people may have multiple roles depending on meeting size):

  • Facilitator
  • Designated note-taker
  • Presenter(s)
  • Time keeper
  • Tech-support
  • Chat-monitor

Review agenda and attachments

Plan your time wisely. Some platforms require downloading a web-based program and installation. If you haven’t used the platform being used before, please make sure to familiarize yourself prior to the scheduled meeting time.

Test your camera and preview what others will see


Initiate “roll call” to ensure all participants are on

Review housekeeping with participants:

  • Mute microphone
  • If sharing screen, ensure visible to all ask
  • Set expectations: explain how to participate – can you raise a hand, add a comment/question to the chat, etc.
  • Connection issues – how to handle if lost connection

Encourage participation from all attendees – ask questions, coordinate a round-robin to ensure everyone has a voice. Use polling where applicable.

Provide verbal cues. Follow the agenda, use transitions & be sure to call out each section to allow participants to follow along. Pause & allow participants to catch up/absorb content.

Extended discussions. For agenda items that exceed time allotment, have a plan to capture and follow-up at a later date. Sometimes deemed as a “parking lot.”

Be mindful of time and agenda. Be sure to guide the meeting to cover everything on the agenda and to end meeting on time (if not a few minutes early)

Be prepared to speak. Mute when you are not speaking to reduce background noises

Please use the chat to post questions or comments

Be mindful of time and agenda. Consider what can be taken offline or discussed within a smaller group 

If connection lost, reconnect & join silently to limit interruptions

Participate when appropriate and announce your name before speaking


Send meeting summary/recap with listed action items for review

Email any edits to meeting summary

Follow up on action items

Contact us for more info on various tools and technology for your specific meeting needs.