To accommodate the growing population and transportation needs in South Sacramento from Meadowview Road to Cosumnes River College, the Sacramento Regional Transit District (RT) is extending the current South Line rail transit corridor. The project entailed environmental review and preliminary engineering for extension of the rail corridor from the current terminus at the Meadowview station to Consumes River College.
Circlepoint led the public engagement program, managing meaningful interaction among RT, decision-makers, stakeholders, and the general public throughout the environmental review process. The program was fully compliant with the NEPA and CEQA implementing regulations.
Circlepoint managed a comprehensive public outreach campaign to keep local residents updated on construction activities. We used a mix of traditional and non-traditional outreach techniques to reach the broadest audience possible. Tools included door-to-door and mailed notification materials, public meetings, open houses, groundbreaking events, one-on-one stakeholder briefings, newsletters, and a comprehensive website.